Turner Pickups

At Turner Pickups, we offer meticulously crafted low frequency audio conduits... pickups for bass guitar

  that are out of the ordinary. Eschewing the more common single- and dual-coil designs that can 

  be had anywhere, we primarily utilize multicoil, and some other unique designs, to allow you to

  discover new timbres for your favorite bass guitars.


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The "multicoil" term can technically apply to any pickup that contains more than one coil. However, the term is typically reserved for pickups where one or more individual coils are used to sense the movement of a single string. 

Turner Pickups' multicoils are configured with 2 coils per string. The high turn count, relative to the small size of the coils, allows for a good mix of high output and high resonant frequency. The resulting tone is punchy, rich in mids, while retaining excellent clarity.

Multicoil in Parallel/"Single"/Series Sample
Signal Chain:
Bass w/ JTex Distiller Preamp-> Axe I/O Solo -> Amplitube Legacy Complete Rig Bass 1 -> T-Racks White 2A Compressor
Multicoil in Parallel/"Single"/Series Sample
(with no amp or cab sim)
Signal Chain:
Bass w/ JTex Distiller Preamp-> Axe I/O Solo -> Amplitube (for recording only, no amp sim, cab sim, effects, etc) -> T-Racks White 2A Compressor

Multicoil w/ Pickup Ring

These have the same internals as our other multicoil pickups, but these come with a functional and decorative pickup ring. This ring serves as the method by which the pickup is mounted, and allows for overall height adjustment.

These are also available for 5 string basses w/ 18mm string spacing.

Multicoil w/ Separate Outputs Sample
Signal Chain:
Bass w/ Lusithand NFP Special preamp-> Axe I/O Solo -> Amplitube Legacy Complete Rig Bass 1 -> T-Racks White 2A Compressor
Multicoil w/ Separate Outputs Sample
(with no amp or cab sim)
Signal Chain:
Bass w/ Lusithand NFP Special preamp-> Axe I/O Solo -> Amplitube (for recording only, no amp sim, cab sim, effects, etc) -> T-Racks White 2A Compressor
MM-style single coil pickup with black cover

Gordo Solo

The Gordo Solo pickup is our take on a cross between a Darkstar and a Rickenbacker 4001/3 bridge pickup.  This is just about the biggest single coil you'll come across...  it's a wide, short coil that produces a dynamic tone.  From a clear, bell-like tone when played softly, to an aggressive grind when digging in.

If you're looking for a unique single coil pickup, this one's for you. 

Gordo Solo Sample
Signal Chain:
SBMM Ray 4 HH Bass w/ JTex Distiller preamp-> Axe I/O Solo -> Amplitube (for recording only, no amp sim, cab sim, effects, etc) -> T-Racks White 2A Compressor
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Gordo Duo

The Gordo Duo pickup is, pretty simply, two of our Gordo Solos under one big cover.  Both Gordo Solo coils in the Duo are voiced slightly differently to accommodate wiring them in series/parallel configurations... although, of course, they still sound great with either coil isolated.

This one's a monster. 

(In the sample below, the pickups are in the Ray HH positions)

Gordo Duo Sample
Signal Chain:
SBMM Ray 4 HH Bass, passive-> Axe I/O Solo -> Amplitube (for recording only, no amp sim, cab sim, effects, etc) -> T-Racks White 2A Compressor

Wiring and Voicing Options

(Note: SEP and SPPP variants only apply to 8+ coil multicoil pickups)

All of my 8+ coil multicoil pickups are available in two different wiring variants:

"SEP" Variant

These are wired so that each pair of coils under a string has its own separate output, or "hot lead".  There's also a common ground lead shared by all of the coil pairs.  It is recommended to use a preamp that can accommodate multiple inputs.  Please see the note below for more information.

The following images illustrate this scheme:

4 String

5 String

"SPPP" Variant

These are wired more like a standard humbucker, but with the coils arranged similar to two split coils, which allows for

series / "standard P" / "reverse P" / parallel configurations.

I also sell both a 3-way no-solder switch and a 4-way no-solder rotary switch which allows for easy switching between these configurations.

The following images illustrate this scheme:

4 String

5 String

All of my multicoil pickups are also available in two different voicings:

"Original" Voicing

The original voicing features 10 gauge mild steel keepers, magnetically charged by standard ceramic humbucker magnets.

This voicing offers what I'd call a broad spectrum, "open" tonality.

A nice video clip showing off this voicing:

(note, this shows an older cover style)

"English" Voicing

The English voicing features thicker steel keepers, magnetically charged by chunky ceramic block magnets.

This voicing offers a thicker, more mid-focused tonality, when compared to the original voicing.

A video example showing off this voicing:


For my pickups that have the separate outputs (1 output per pair of coils under a string), I would highly recommend using either a Lusithand Single/Double NFP Special preamp, or an Underhill Multicoil preamp, if you're looking to fully take advantage of this wiring scheme.

They can be contacted below:

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